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Contribute to School Rewards Program

Entering your contact information allows the organization to acknowledge your generous contribution. Specify the contribution amount and an optional comment. Depending on the configuration, you may also be able to specify if this should be reported as anonymous (although your contact information is still required.) Click Proceed to Payment to finalize and pay by credit card or by printing an invoice and mailing a check.

In addition to your name, please enter your address, phone number and email address. This will allow us to contact you if necessary.
Contact Information
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Contribution Details

Contribution Date
Amount ($)
Amount must be equal to or above $ 1.00
Contribution in
How do you want your name to appear in the contribution records?


Do you want the Club to notify someone about your contribution?
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Matching Gifts

Does your employer or your spouse's employer match gifts?    
Will you mail the form?    
Employer Name
Employer City
Employer State
Employer Contact Person
Employer Contact Phone
Matching Terms

Additional Info

I am interested in learning about other opportunities to help support Central Indiana Woodworkers.
Please send me more information about including Central Indiana Woodworkers in my will or estate plans.

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Spotlight on our Sponsors!

The following are some of the generous businesses that help keep our Club going.  Their gifts of cash, materials, shop supplies and tools greatly enhances our ability to work wood and make a difference in our community!

Rockler Woodworking
8452 Castleton Corner Dr. 
Indianapolis, IN 46250

Northwest Lumber Company
5035 Lafayette Rd. 
Indianapolis, IN 46254

3500 N Arlington Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46218

Accurate Cutting Technologies
1111 Country Club Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46234

Iso Tunes
12202 Hancock Street
Carmel, IN 46032

MacBeath Hardwood
320 North Kyle St
Edinburgh, IN 46124

MacAllister Machinery
6300 Southeastern Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46203